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we're rated 4.7 stars on trustpilot
we're rated 4.7 stars on trustpilot
we're rated 4.7 stars on trustpilot
Yes, you can cancel at any time, and it's straightforward to do so!
All you have to do is log in to the Goldmine Products Database and click 'Billing' which will allow you to cancel the subscription. You can also email us, and our 5-star rated customer support team will happily cancel your membership instantly.
If any charges go through that you forgot about - we will 100% refund them, no questions asked.
After you make the payment, you will receive a welcome email with your login and password and a link to sign in. You will get this immediately sent to the email you use at checkout.
You will then have access to the database for 1 month or lifetime depending on what you purchase. You will then then get access to everything in the database including products, suppliers and our research tools.
We base our research on trending products. We sometimes even sell these products in our own stores to make sure they sell. Our research is based on a few key data points from various reliable sources. Amazon, eBay and Google, Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram are included.
So you can be sure the products you are getting will actually sell well in the current climate.
You can access the database by visiting the Goldmine Products Database Website located here.
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